Saturday, February 10, 2007

LOOK! A picture!

I finally uploaded some pictures to my computer.
Here are my Fetching fingerless gloves from Knitty.comdesigned by Cheryl Niamath.
I would like to thank Carla from my Knitting Chicks group on Yahoo for pointing me in the direction of these.
These were a great project for me, as they called for Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran, and I just happened to have some in my stash.
Oh, did I fail to mention? I am participating in the 2007 Knit From Your Stash.
Oh, please don't ask me to put a button up for that! I just learned how to do pictures. (g)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I made a pair of those over the weekend. Aren't they just the best and the yarn is wonderful! Yours look great mine flare at the fingers...not sure why. Doesn't matter they are still soo soft and nice!