Monday, September 3, 2007

Back From My Virtual Vacation

I just got back from my knitters virtual vacation. I went to the Jersey shore with Nancy, We had the best time. I can't wait to tell you all about it, but right now, I am just exhausted from the trip home, and really need to get some rest, so you will have to wait until tomorrow.
The actual truth is, I was going to get my camera to take pictures of all the loot she sent. And believe me, it was like a bottomless package. The more I took out of the box, the more there was still to find. Anyway, some doofus (me) left the camera on, and the battery was dead.
So, you have to wait until tomorrow to see everything.....except for a cookie shaped like a dolphin, which didn't want to wait around, so I ate him already.
Trust me, it will be worth the wait!
OH! And guess what!!!! I might actually get to step foot in New Jersey next month, barring disaster. Spiff and I will be in Philly, and I have already started whining at him about how many times I have been just across the border from The Garden State, and still have never been there.
If I'm lucky, I might wheedle Delaware out of him, too. That will leave only Alaska and Hawaii until I have stood on the sod of all 50 plus Puerto Rico.
So, pray that Spiff's brain tumor doesn't start to grow, so we can go on our special trip. Well, pray that it doesn't grow, so my dh can live longer, but you know what I mean.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Hey, Not Yet!

You looking for my exciting return to Blogger?
Sorry, you have to wait a bit longer.
As soon as I get my KVVS package, I will have a grand RE-opening.
Until then, bear with me.
Tomorrow and Sunday, I get to (Get to??? Or is that have to) go to Anime Fest in Dallas with Lamb, who is home from her first week at college. I have no idea why we are going. We used to watch lots of anime, but now, neither of us do. She insists, though, that we must go. It is a tradition. Oh, well, I can take my knitting. And, she can take her artwork and have it critiqued by some of the pros.
See ya after the holiday!

Thursday, August 2, 2007


SecretPal002, originally uploaded by CookieKnits.



This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

She's Baaack!

After a good long try at Wordpress, or Blogging For Grown-ups, I have admitted defeat, and returned to Blogger, where things are easy and straightforward.
Wordpress is, on the whole, more geared toward journal style blogging. Posting pictures, badges, buttons, etc. is not straightforward enough overthere.
This is a knitters blog. I need to be able to show off my knitting, my gifts from my swap pals, photos from my travels, and I was unable to do that.
Sure, they had better templates and widgets, but that is about it.
And, so, without further ado, I give you, a photo.

You are NOT going to believe this. The photo upload feature is down. LOL!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Goodbye to Blogger

I have moved to Wordpress. You can now find me at

SP, I have put my questionaire answers there, as well. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Please come see me there.

Friday, March 9, 2007

The Flu Stops Here

Today, I have a rant. Nothing to do with knitting.I HAVE THE FLU AND I AM ANGRY! I am angry at all the people who get the flu, and still keep running around, doing what they usually do, going to work, going to church, GOING TO CHOIR(!!!), sharing their germs.(Yes, I got a shot, but this particular virus seems to have not been covered. Ooops. Can I get a refund.)I don't know what it is with these people. They feel like crap. They are running a fever. Why don't they take care of themselves and stay home. The world will run without them.Ok, I can understand the organist, and the two clergymen at our church who HAD to come in sick last week because there was a funeral, but I don't have that virus anyway. That one doesn't come with a racking cough.Do these people do it out of a sense of nobility? "Oh, I am so sick, but I must go on. No one can do my job as well as I.", or "What will the alto section do if I am not there? They depend on me."Or do they do it for the attention? "See how sick I am? Please make a fuss over me. Tell me I should be home in bed. Notice me.", they think.
The ones that really get me are the ones that came into rehearsal for a musical ensemble I sing with to TELL us they were sick, and that they couldn't sing, and they were going home to bed. Cough Cough THANKS FOR SHARING.
As I say in my title, "The Flu Stops Here". As soon as I could tell I was coming down with it,(and yes, I know, I was infectious before I knew, but, hey, I can't do anything about that.) I settled myself in at home. I called and cancelled out on a baby shower I was supposed to attend. That was a no brainer. I gave notice to both music ensembles that I would see them next week. My church choir director postponed my scheduled solo to the following week. I told my cleaning lady not to come, although she can't resist dropping off dinner for tonight. You are an angel, Argentina!!!! I promise not to breathe on you when I answer the door!
Now, to make this post about knitting, I am spending most of my time in bed knitting easy. Right now, I am doing the Smiley Scarf from "One-Skein Wonders". (Ok Someone tell me how to link that to, please.)Except, I can't get the stitch count to come out right in the end, and I am all upset about it. I don't think it really matters, but I have OCD, and it bugs me.I can't find an errata online either. I emailed the publisher, Storey Publishing. Let's see how long it takes them to answer me. If they don't I will try the designer, Elizabeth Prusiewizc at Knit-Knot Studio in Portland, Or. She has a website: It looks like a nice store.Oh, I just threadjacked my own post. Who cares. I'm sick. Blame it on delirium. I can always delete the whole thing when I regain my sanity later.